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Pakistan a land of terror – Part 2

aftermath, riot, protest

“Take Very good care of your finances. Your Finances are your responsibilities. We can only suggest and guide in your way. Be serious about your finances. Foreign economies are ‘spending’ economies; but Indian economy is ‘saving’ economy”

We saw a small part of the terror structure of Pakistan. Let’s see what else we can study about Terrorist Pakistan.

Pakistan is a land of terrors; every other country should closely watch the actions of Pakistan. As I mentioned in the previous blogs, Pakistan is not only a land of terror but it is a live nuclear time bomb. It can explode anywhere, anytime. Why I made this bold statement let’s see that as well.

1) Systematic Terrorism training –

Pakistan’s whole education system is just a dose of poison of hatred, superstitious religion and radical mentality. I have discussed the education system and role of Madrasas, below.

  1. All over Pakistan, especially near the border region of India, there are military and terror camps exist. They work hand in hand.
  2. The military, provides training and intelligence, and terrorists execute army plans. The army always hides itself behind terrorism.
  3. They conduct such systematic training across the region.
  4. This training includes, religious training including reading the Quran.
  5. Then they get training on how their religion is superior to others.
  6. Then brainwashing activities take place, where they get training about how other religions are committing crimes against Allah, how they are violating god’s principle, how ladies are violating it too, how their religion is in danger against other religions, how Jihad takes them to heaven etc.
  7. But these poor people don’t know if jihad is the ultimate aim of life which will take them to heaven, why do their leaders never do it? Don’t they want a place in heaven? They don’t understand that the leaders are living a good life and earning an abundance of money, that too by letting you die. They are travelling to various countries, have access to abundance and you fools die for them unnecessarily.
  8. After brainwashing, they give direction to the anger of new terrorists. They provide necessary military training to those who join terrorism, only with the help of the Pakistan military. T
  9. They also get the latest weapons and ammunition to fulfil jihadist activities for their country and their leaders.
  10. Everything is well planned within Pakistan.
  11. It is possible that all such activities are happening and the government and army do not know this, but for a temporary period and rare places. However, it is impossible, that they are unaware of this for a longer period especially when it is happening all over the country.

2) 26/11 Mumbai Terrorists attack –

Taj Mahal Palace

  1. Ajmal Kasab and his nine counterparts, come into the small boat from Pakistan and snatch another boat of fishermen from Gujrat, India.
  2. Kills all the fishermen except one and throws them into the sea.
  3. They move towards Mumbai. When they see Mumbai, they kill the last fisherman as well.
  4. Take the boat and enter Mumbai as per pre-planning.
  5. Each group of two terrorists targets the Taj Mahal Hotel, Leo Pold café, Oberoi Hotel and CSMT station (VT then). 137 people died, 300 plus injured.
  6. NSG commando (National Security Guards), reached late in Mumbai, however, they neutralised all the eight terrorists.
  7. Out of the remaining two, one was captured alive by Shahid (Martyr) Tukaram Omble ASI. He was Ajmal Kasab. Others got severely injured and died on the way to hospital.
  8. All terrorists were Pakistani nationals as their ID cards belonged to Pakistan. Ajmal Kasab who was captured alive and interrogated, clearly revealed he was from Pakistan. He left his home angrily and how his father sold him for PKR 150,000. How was his journey to join the training that occurred in Pakistan and Pak-Occupied Kashmir (POK). How do they get training to sail motorboats. How to attack and defend themselves. How did they receive Indian currency, Indian cell phones, and satellite phones.
  9. Most importantly when he was treated in the hospital and the jails, he cried and revealed shocking statements. He said, he was told that entire India is terrorist, they are behind killing Pakistanis, they hate Islam and spread blasphemy. He should act as a jihadist and try to kill as many Indians as possible. But, when I came here and the way you all treated me, I was wrong, they were wrong. I unnecessarily indulge in terrorist acts. They all brainwashed me up to that level that made me kill so many. Allah will never forgive me. If possible, please forgive me.
  10. India hung Kasab, after all law trials.
  11. Pakistan, after this big incident, as usual, denied its participation and claimed that Indian terrorists themselves attacked their own country.
  12. The biggest irony is, that the Indian Prime Minister, only condemned this attack but never took action against Pakistan.
  13. In a shocking revelation by Mr Barrack Obama, former US president, in his book; mentions that the PM of India told him in a dinner arranged for him, that India did not take any action because they did not want to play and provoke Muslim emotion.
  14. I feel ashamed of that PM, who cares a lot about Indian Muslims but could not care much about those innocents who lost their lives. He did not care about a terror attack on his very own country. He cared about 150 million people but could not care about 1,300 million others.
  15. My questions to that silent PM are, ‘Do human rights exist only for Pakistan not for Indians, does that only exist to one religion and not the other’? Were you scared of full-scale military escalations? If yes, then why did you even sit on that seat, especially since your proficiency was in finance, not in the country’s leadership? Does anyone pressurise you, especially religious leaders? Did they warn you of any trouble in the country? Did you face any pressure from one family that wants to control the entire nation?
  16. I am sure, that ‘Mauni Baba’ (silent Fakir), will never answer that. But we all have identified how his political party is, and how that one family who wants to control the nation, is.

3) Terror attacks and Eliminations in Kashmir –

I want to let the whole world know, that we have many important worship places in north India. Amarnath is one of them. Vaishnodevi is another. Badrinath and Kedarnath are important too.

Amarnath pilgrim starts between June and August every year. Please read and see on the internet, that this pilgrim never happened peacefully without deploying 5,000 to 10,000 Indian soldiers. This area becomes so sensitive and vulnerable to terror attacks as if we are entering Pakistan to worship God.

God and Temple belong to India, the place is in India but we have a fear of going there because of this jihadist mentality of terrorism, all funded supported, and trained by Pakistan and its army.

How a terrorist can have the latest weapons and explosives with them? It is impossible to have arms and ammunition, without the support of the government or corrupt officials who have access to the weaponry of that country.

Every day, we hear the news of either the elimination of terrorists or the martyrdom of Indian soldiers.

But can you check, how many soldiers or common people died in Pakistan due to the Indian attack? The answer is zero, simply because Indians believe in the Hindu religion which is a peaceful religion.

Many Muslims in India also stay peaceful, either willingly or with the fear of the law. Fear of the law is of utmost importance.  Still, few keep on uttering secularism, Hinduism and other nonsense. They only succeed in their talk because India has freedom of speech.

If that was Pakistan, uttering such nonsense only attracts the penalty of ‘sar tan se juda’ (beheading the person).

4) Madrasas –  

boys, friends, meal

Madrasas are religious schools where religious prophets teach kids. Only Muslim kids can join Madrasas, no other religion. Mostly, the education is related to religion and about reading the Quran, an Islamic religious book.

Now, the shocking news is that madrasas in Pakistan teach students about jihad, and handling weapons. Nowadays, the same thing is going on in India too.  

They completely brainwash the students making them believe in one religion and one law (Sheria), and hatred against other religions and their beliefs. They prepare students in such a way, that they can perform suicide attacks as well, in public. The whole education system is creating such terrorists.

They are keeping women as well down and in slavery. The education process is not good for women. Please read my blog about Pakistan’s mentality towards Women ‘https://www.polyblogger.com/politics/pakistans-views-about-women/’.

Generally, the education focus should be on preparing a child to do business, perform leadership, provide security, health care etc. Pakistan aims to create terrorists using education.

They have extreme poverty, high inflation, low money in the treasury, the highest debt level, low morale, the lowest standard of the health care system, and depreciating PKR currency; still instead of concentrating on these areas, these fools focus on terrorism, Kashmir and killing Indians and other religions across the world.

5) Political instability –

  1. Pakistan is on the verge of collapse; monetarily and due to civil war. It remained unstable and disturbed since its birth. Please see my blog ‘https://www.polyblogger.com/politics/pakistan-a-land-extremism-radicalism-and-violence/
  2. A Land Extremism, Radicalism, and Violence’ to support this. No government ever was stable for a full 5 years term. The elections should happen every 5 years, but they happen much before any prime minister completes his/her tenure. Either, the PM gets assassinated or jailed or flees from Pakistan due to fear of assassination or jail.
  3. Most of the time, Pakistan saw military rule. Even if elections happen, only that party wins, to whom the army supports. The Army supports only that person who is suggested by the USA predominantly. If the government is not worth for or in favour of the USA, the USA influences the army to change the government. Most of the time army arrests the PM for collusion with the USA.
  4. Even the previous PM, the 1992 Cricket World Cup winner, Imran Khan is in jail. According to him, the USA has done this to him. Not sure about the USA’s interest in Pakistan.
  5. Most of the money donated to Pakistan by the USA or Arab countries or any other country, goes to the army to buy weapons and provide salaries to them; and then the same donation first goes to the pockets of the army commander in chief and other officials. The remaining money goes to terror funding against India.
  6. It seems, the government is not interested in solutions to the problems I mentioned above. Instead, they are interested only in terrorism, and conflicts with India and Kashmir, Israel, France, Afghanistan, and internal conflicts.
  7. The government, keeps its nation under the delusion that fighting with India is the only aim of their life, jihad, and religion are above everything else.
  8. Even before the 1971 Bangladesh Mukti Sangram (Bangladesh freedom movement), west Pakistan carried out terrific and horrific activities in East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh, after India liberated East Pakistan). Please read my blog ‘Pakistan’s current and historical views on Women – PolyBlogger.com’ and ‘Pakistan: A Land Extremism, Radicalism, and Violence – PolyBlogger.com

All such political instability leads to terrorism, civil war, unrest, protests etc.

6) Nuclear bombs –

We can hear one sentence if we closely watch the Pakistan government officials’ speeches across the internet, ‘Pakistan is a nuclear state and by using it, we can do anything’.

Now, unfortunately, a terror state like Pakistan has nuclear power. Selected Western countries and India, had the opportunity to destroy Pakistan’s Nuke programme. Unfortunately, this also did not happen. Let’s see the full story in the next blog ‘Pakistan a threat to the world’ and ‘Pakistan: A Land Extremism, Radicalism, and Violence – PolyBlogger.com’.

Terrorists having a nuclear warhead is the biggest threat to the world. It has provided and still can provide nuclear weapon technology to different countries in the future.

This weapon of mass destruction can destroy the whole world if not sensibly held from using it. It needs complete control over the mindset. You will agree that terrorists have no such rational mindset. They only know destruction.

Lots of things to write about Pakistan’s terror activities. Because it has a history of 77 years now. It’s practically impossible to cover each story and each terrorist’s name in a few blogs. Also, I can write 100 names but how can I write millions of names of eccentrics on the internet? Instead, I simply wrote, ‘the entire country’.

When any of your neighbours are from Pakistan, be careful. Soon your surroundings will be filled with maniac personalities. And then they will give you only three options; to convert yourself to Islam leave the area/country/city or be ready to die. This has happened already in Kashmir, Bangladesh and many villages in India. This has already happened in Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria and many Islamic countries.

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