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Pakistan: A Global Threat

Middle East Countries in the World Map

“Take Very good care of your finances. Your Finances are your responsibilities. We can only suggest and guide in your way. Be serious about your finances. Foreign economies are ‘spending’ economies; but Indian economy is ‘saving’ economy”

I have previously discussed the issues of radicalism, extremism, violence, and terrorism associated with Pakistan. You might think, “I don’t live in a country that borders Pakistan. Why should I consider it a threat?” However, are you truly confident that Pakistan won’t impact your nation? If you believe that, it’s time to reconsider. The warning bells are already ringing.

Pakistan, often seen as a beggar on the global stage, has delivered numerous shocks to the world. I encourage you to read my blogs titled “Pakistan: A Land of Extremism, Radicalism, and Violence,” “Pakistan is a Rapist Country,” and “Pakistan: A Land of Terror – Part 1 / Part 2.”

Please also read my blogs on Pakistan: ‘Pakistan a land of terror – Part 2 – PolyBlogger.com‘, ‘Pakistan a land of terror – Part 1 – PolyBlogger.com‘, ‘Pakistan: A Land Extremism, Radicalism, and Violence – PolyBlogger.com‘, and ‘Pakistan’s current and historical views on Women – PolyBlogger.com

Now, let’s explore why Pakistan poses a genuine threat to the world.

1) Nuclear bombs –

explosion, bomb, nuclear

Pakistani leaders frequently assert, “Pakistan is a nuclear state, and we can do anything with it.” If we examine the speeches of Pakistani government officials online, this statement is often repeated. Unfortunately, a nation with a history of terrorism like Pakistan possesses nuclear capabilities. Selected Western countries and India had opportunities to disarm Pakistan regarding its nuclear arsenal, but these efforts did not succeed. Let’s delve into the full story.

Abdul Quadeer Khan, known as A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear physicist and metallurgical engineer. He is often referred to as the “father of Pakistan’s atomic weapons program.” After completing his engineering studies, he joined Urenco, a consortium from the US, UK, and Netherlands, to work on the research and development of uranium enrichment.

  1. Abdul Quadeer Khan, known as A. Q. Khan, was a Pakistani nuclear physicist and metallurgical engineer. He is often referred to as the “father of Pakistan’s atomic weapons program.”
  2. After completing his engineering studies, he joined Urenco, a consortium from the US, UK, and Netherlands, to work on the research and development of uranium enrichment.
  3. The Netherlands made two significant mistakes. First, they granted him full access without adequate security checks.
  4. This oversight was so severe that it enabled Pakistan, along with another country, to develop nuclear weapons.
  5. That other country is North Korea. This mistake highlights the grave consequences of trusting Pakistan
  6. A. Q. Khan harboured a desire for revenge against India. This stemmed from India’s victory in the 1971 war, which led to the liberation of Bangladesh and the surrender of 93,000 Pakistani soldiers, resulting in a significant territorial loss. Additionally, India successfully tested its first nuclear bomb in 1974.
  7. Khan reached out to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, offering his expertise in nuclear bomb development. The Prime Minister accepted his proposal and provided land and other resources.
  8. Khan stole essential documents from the Netherlands and communicated with Pakistan via fax. Eventually, he was arrested and imprisoned in the Netherlands.
  9. Here lies the second mistake of the Netherlands. Despite his suspicious activities, they released A. Q. Khan.
  10. Upon returning to Pakistan, he began developing nuclear weapons. China, acting as a cunning ally, also assisted Pakistan by providing equipment for uranium enrichment, technical knowledge, and financial support.

2) Sold Nuclear bomb technology to North Korea, Iran and Libya–

A.Q. Khan, just like he theft the nuclear proliferation technology, used it for Pakistan’s nuclear program; same way it further sold the same technology. Do you know the country’s names? Be careful, North Korea, Iran, and Libya.

  1. Just because of this THE USA gets threatening messages from North Korea every day. NK fires missiles beyond Japan but violates Japan’s airspace and sea territories. NK will not think twice about using nuclear weapons if escalation happens. The whole world has put stringent sanctions considering NK as a big threat to the world.
  2. The world has put the same sanctions on Iran as well. Iran is also the same country as Pakistan but without nuclear bombs. Iran several times tried creating a nuclear bomb but whenever it used to reach close to creating it, Israel used to bomb it and explode everything. Iran had to start fresh every time.
  3. The reason for nuclear site destruction is the war against self-existence. Israel knows Iran is the biggest threat to their existence. Iran supports the Hamas terror organization operating from Gaza, a tiny part of the Palestine region. It provides rockets and other arms and ammunition to Hamas to fight against Israel. Iran and Pakistan both support Hamas.
  4. Iran, just like Hitler, literally wants to extinct Israeli Jews and the name of Israel, from the world. They want Hamas to take over Israel, Gaza and Jerusalem completely as they want Islam rule and Sharia law to blossom in the region.
  5. In the leadership of the ex-president of the USA, Mr. Donald Trump, THE USA killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Iran without a choice accepted it that time quietly. But it warned the USA of killing the USA’s big leaders in future. Now imagine if Iran was a nuclear country, it would have escalated a nuke war between the USA and the Middle East.
  6. Iran, also being a radical Islamic country, can use nuke anytime anywhere without thinking much.
  7. Libya holds a strategic position in the Mediterranean Sea. Most of the world’s transport happens through the Mediterranean Sea, then the Suez Canal and finally into the Arabian Sea. Libya has been under Civil war for many years. It has economic, military, trade, and currency trading sanctions on itself. Currently, hardly any flight flies to and from Libya because it is banned in most nations.
  8. If countries like Libya receive nuclear weapons, imagine how transport will be affected. Imagine how Europe will be under threat and the USA warships and fighter jets or passenger cruises will be under threat.
  9. Libya alone can destabilise the entire Middle East region, just like Iran if it had a nuclear warhead. Now it is difficult to imagine the peaceful future of the world if both Libya and Iran can have nuclear weapons together.
  10. China is another big threat, as it routes the radioactive materials to Iran through Pakistan. Let’s discuss this in the next point. This may empower the countries like Iran with nuclear war power.

Now, see how Pakistan has made a blunder by taking the help of China to sell nuclear technology and weapons to the countries in the Middle East.

If the dream of Iran and Libya comes true, we are not far from world destruction.

3) Is China, a threat to the Western world?

  1. China, helps Pakistan to develop nuclear bombs and missiles by providing technology, know-how, missile launchers and tactical nuke weapons. It also helped and is helping North Korea to develop intercontinental Ballistic Missile which is capable of striking the entire corner of the world especially all the cities in the USA. NK also threatens the USA with a nuclear attack every day. While NK’s economies are beneath the earth and far from coming out of mines, NK won’t leave the development of warheads, and missiles and threatens Japan and THE USA.
  2. China is helping Iran in developing nuclear bombs by providing radioactive materials to Iran through Pakistan. Pakistan shares a border with China and Iran. So, it is quite easy for the three countries to carry out transportation without being affected by external influencers. It is a known fact over the internet. I am just mentioning it again to make you understand how Pakistan is a threat to the world.
  3. Pakistan is helping rogue nations develop their nuclear weapons just for the money. It is acting as an agent between China and Iran for money.
  4. Simultaneously, China is increasing its nuke warheads silently. It becomes equivocal when it comes to the question ‘why China is helping others to develop nuclear weapons’.
  5. The USA has the second highest number of nukes and China thinks it should possess more too. Both countries are undergoing a cold war.

Recently, Russia and China made a joint exercise of missile attacks near Alaska. Alaska is that region sold to the USA by Russians for a very insignificant amount. There is a thin sea line of 55 miles between Alaska and the eastern part of Russia. Imagine the threat level for the USA and Canada.

4) Pakistan’s economy –

Pakistan’s economy has already seen doom’s day. Pakistani PMs roam around the world with beggar’s bowls seeking monetary help.

  1. FATF (Financial Action Task Force) already had put Pakistan on the Grey list. A grey list is created when FATF identifies a country that has serious money laundering, terror financing, and proliferation financing but is trying to work internally to mitigate that.
  2. Pakistan has only 8 to 12 billion dollars to cover the rising expenses on fuel and consumption. The main expenses are the interest payment and the interest-on-interest payment. It is far from paying any debt.
  3. Countries like China, and Saudi Arabia help Pakistan but on their conditions. Pakistan has no option but to accept it. The stringent rules for obtaining debt puts the Pakistani economy under a heavier burden.
  4. Pakistan had to open its economy but no one wanted to enter Pakistan. So, even opening up an economy for the entire world is not helping it.
  5. Whatever money they receive, due to high corruption only a few reaches to people. Most money goes to army high-ranking officials as bribes corruption, terror financing and money laundering.
  6. It has no good relationship with neighbouring countries like India and Afghanistan. So, both countries are far from helping revive the Pakistani economy.
  7. Afghanistan itself is in poverty, so it is not possible for them.
  8. India has stopped trade with Pakistan because of every day’s terror attacks in Jammu Kashmir and various parts of the country. Despite communicating several times, it never stopped, so it is better to stop all the formal relations and trade ties. India had given Pakistan a special status in trade and culture, which was removed after increasing terror attacks.

Pakistan does not have enough food to eat, inflation is skyrocketing, the currency is in hell, debt is at an insanely high level, and corruption and terror financing have the strongest present as per FATF, still they will support terrorism, and increase nuclear weapons.

Instead of increasing nuclear weapons, if Pakistan had utilised it for electricity generation, it would not have been dependent on China for electricity and the establishment of hydro-powerplants.

5) Drugs –

stop, drug addiction, drug addict

Stop Drug Terror

Hey world, please wake up, and rise against drug and terror modules from Pakistan. As I mentioned above, Pakistan doesn’t care about its economy, its image in the world, other religions and existence, neighbours, relations; literally nothing.

It badly needs money to run the terrorism. The easiest way that they earn millions is through drug selling. There is open cultivation of Opium, production of heroin, narcotics, Cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, and methamphetamine, and poppy cultivation in Pakistan. I don’t know even some of the names, I don’t know what they even look like, I don’t know how they consume it to fall to a bad fate. I know nothing about the drugs. But I only know that there are 6 million people under drug addiction in Pakistan. Pakistan is supplying drugs to Punjab, Kashmir, and other states in India. Pakistan is selling it to Mexico where there is a big market for drugs including Central America, the USA and Southern America. It also exports it to African countries.

Purely for the money, Pakistan is destroying the youth of all these nations, and the future of this nation. For a few billion dollars, Pakistan is playing with the peace and prosperity of the countries.

The whole Western and Eastern world knows it, but I am not sure, where they get stuck to put sanctions, actions, and destructions.

6) The world is not paying enough attention –

I strongly believe and condemn that world knows what Pakistan is doing, concerning nuclear weapons, handshake with China, terrorism, drug trafficking, radicalisation, killings, rapes and every form of crime possible on the earth and still no one is taking any action apart from few; like FATF grey listing Pakistan, reduction in the loan offers and India’s stopping trade and eliminating each terrorist infiltrating in India.

The USA is still providing financial aid. China is providing every possible help but at a cost. Iran is helping Pakistan. Europe is selling weapons and technology etc.

I only want to say that stay away from Pakistan; it can burst at any time on anyone.

Looking at vague actions of Pakistan, radicalisation, extremism, terrorism etc. the day is not far, when the world will face challenges and difficulties. It is now or never; Pakistan has to be stopped. If you believe, Pakistan is only a threat to India, then please wake up. See the geo-political issues happening in Europe over migrants, currently. UK, France, Germany, and Spain are already facing problems due to illegal Muslim migrants. Especially the decisions the Netherlands, Poland and Germany have taken. India is facing tremendous issues due to Rohingya Muslims entering India from Bangladesh and Myanmar and terrorists from Pakistan. North Korea possesses and Iran soon will possess, nuclear weapons. Then there will be less chance because; even if we plead, radical people won’t become soft-hearted.

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