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Enemy’s Enemy is My Friend – Part 2


“Take Very good care of your finances. Your Finances are your responsibilities. We can only suggest and guide in your way. Be serious about your finances. Foreign economies are ‘spending’ economies; but Indian economy is ‘saving’ economy”

In the previous part of ‘Enemy’s Enemy is My Friend – Part 1’, we saw how significant advantages a country gets using this technique. I covered seven in part 1; now we will see the next points in detail. As usual, we will learn the concept with the examples. Let’s get started.

  1. To destabilise the region and gain importance
  2. Teasing
  3. Propaganda Spreading
  4. Devastating the morale of the enemy
  5. Increasing power to show like a giant enemy
  6. Drug Trafficking
  7. Weapon Supply
  8. To bring ‘Pro’ government than ‘anti’ government
  9. Creating Military Bases, Economic Exploitation, and Selfish Motives

1) To destabilize the region and gain importance

We have seen some examples in point number 3 in the previous blog ‘Enemy’s Enemy is My Friend – Part 1‘. That was for a country, but this is for the entire region. Similar activities by the USA destabilized the whole Middle East region. In that Iraq-Iran war started. Similar moves by the USA and Russia, completely destabilize the region, just to gain importance in the region.

2) Teasing

Many countries use this technique. For example, When India wants permanent membership in the UN Security Council, China Veto it. Veto is the power to vote against a bill or proposal. So, currently, there are only five permanent members in UNO. USA, China, Russia, France and Great Britain. All the countries are willing to add India as a permanent member of UNO, only except China. Pakistan uses the same to tease India. Similarly, India laughs at Pakistan looking at their economic and social conditions. India also calls Pakistan a puppet of China, a beggar etc. and teases them. It is all politics.

3) Propaganda spreading

Please read the last example in the second point above. This is regarding the India and China border clash. A false propaganda spread by Pakistan and China that how Indian soldiers aren’t brave enough to fight back. But when USA and Russia, both commented in Favour of India, all propaganda went into hell.

4) Devastating the morale of the enemy

Please take the example of India’s pre-emptive air strike against terror camps in Pakistan. Even after about a hundred terrorists died in the attack, Pakistan is still spreading propaganda that India could bomb only some empty land and a few trees and crows fell. Pakistan is saying this because it wants to save the morale of the entire country.

But when Israel congratulated India on the military air strike, it completely devastated the morale of Pakistan.

See how Israel used this technique ‘Enemy of enemy is my friend’. Israel played a card that the enemy of Pakistan, i.e. India is Israel’s friend.

5) Increasing power to show like a giant enemy

We all know that if we are alone and want to fight someone, it may be difficult even if you are facing a single person. Now imagine, another person is standing with you. You will be more comfortable fighting or negotiating on your terms. Similarly, when you see your enemy fighting with his enemy and you stand with the enemy’s enemy, who becomes your friend, you both become powerful. Even if your friendship is only for that occasion. You just become an opportunist. Please refer to the Armenia-Azerbaijan War. How Israel and Turkey helped the Azerbaijan army to fight. Both were opportunists but Azerbaijani Army got an advantage of being powerful. However, this alliance was temporary and full of intentions.

6) Drug Trafficking


The world’s majority parts are suffering from drug addictions. This has documented evidence. Pushing drugs into the economy is like pushing termites into the woods. Slowly it will rotten all the wood. This is exactly what some countries want to happen in the enemy countries. Drugs have a higher cost; than even gold sometimes. Still, that kick or instinct attracts youth (boys and girls as well). This reduces the country’s economic conditions. Countries put large funds into stopping drugs.

USA is an enemy country for many including Mexico. Pakistan is a big supplier of drugs. It has evidence. It supplies drugs to Mexico to supply it in the USA borderline cities. It is difficult for Mexico to push the drugs into the USA, and that’s why the cost becomes even higher. The USA and Mexico both are vigilant in drug-related laws but few people defame both countries.

7) Weapon Supply

Please consider the same example of the Armenia-Azerbaijan war from the previous blog ‘Enemy’s Enemy is My Friend – Part 1‘; where Israel and Turkey provided drones to Azerbaijan.

Also, the USA, during the Cold War era supplied weaponry to Pakistani Mujahidin to fight against Russia, they brought Osama Bin Laden into the fight.  USA played a major role and used this technique ‘Enemy’s Enemy is my friend’. Due to enmity between the USSR (Russia now) and the USA, and Russia and Afghanistan, the USA made Pakistan and Afghanistan a friendly country.

All this is also documented with every news channel, press, government and on the internet as well.

8) To bring ‘Pro’ government than ‘anti’ government


The latest example of civil war in Bangladesh proves this point. Bangladesh, all know that, was a part of Pakistan (East Pakistan) liberated by India in the 1971 war. India let Shaikh Mujib-Ur Rehman take on Bangladesh. Since then, there has been a pro-India government. India provided oil, eatables, weaponry, helicopters, airspace to use, a fair supply of water, abundance of money as well.

Now in the era of civil war, Pakistan is fuelling pro-Pakistani powers that have entered Bangladesh. They used student riots as a string to spread hatred against India and Hindus which are a minority community in Bangladesh. A Nobel laureate economist Muhammad Yunus has taken over as PM of Bangladesh. He has freed a few most wanted terrorists from jail and going to accept weaponry from Pakistan. Tribune India reports that the shipment includes 40,000 rounds of ammunition, 2,000 tank ammunition rounds, 40 tons of RDX explosives for creating bombs, and 2,900 high-intensity, medium to long-range missiles. What for?

When India surrounds the country without a border threat ever since 1971, India has given you birth and taken care of you as if you were a child, what is the need for this ammunition?

It is proved that Pakistan is fueling it so that it can have an anti-India government in Bangladesh and India will always possess a threat of three front wars, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.

But they either aren’t aware or don’t want to remember, India’s economic and global condition, war experiences, weaponry and connections they have, and Army-Navy-Airforce power.

9) Creating Military Bases, Economic Exploitation and Selfish Motives

China uses these techniques most of the time. China offered a project to Sri Lanka, Hambantota port using false promises of world shipment will halt at Sri Lanka for fuel and trade. Sri Lanka could earn huge foreign currencies.

But now hardly any country uses that. Now Sri Lanka cannot pay the debt that China only offered. So, China has taken that port on lease for the next 100 years. It has created military and naval bases there.

This is also called economic exploitation because Sri Lanka can’t use the money earned through port, it is on lease now. China has a vested interest in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Sea. It keeps drilling the sea to explore natural resources.

Similarly, China has done this to many African countries.

I hope I made all the points clear. Do let me know in the comment section about any other significant advantage you feel I may have missed.

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