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May 21, 2023

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Nine reason why you should avoid Credit Card

Welcome to yet another exciting episode of the Financial Blogging series ‘Finance and Personal Finance’. Today in this blog ‘Nine reason why you should avoid Credit Card’ we are going to learn about credit cards and the benefits and disadvantages of having a credit card/s in our hand. Now-a-days, as soon as we receive our first pay cheque, banks and financial institutions start calling us to have their so-called special credit cards with fancy names such as reward cards, fuel cards, travel card, fine dine, Flipkart card, Amazon Card, MMT (Make My Trip) card, reward multiplier, HNI card, IRCTC card and a lot many more types of cards. They attract us with their lucrative benefits for example if we use X card for shopping online, 5% additional discount or cash back above all coupon and discount codes etc. These offers are really tempting and we choose to have ‘that particular’ credit card.                While these offers are really helpful to reduce our financial burden from us to a little extent (possibly by 5 to 10%), there are some points we need to understand very well before opting for the credit card. Keep on reading this exciting information to gain really insightful knowledge. PolyBlogger.com always say one word when it comes to managing finances and financial assets, ‘CONTROL’. This blog ‘Nine reason why you should avoid Credit Card’ tells you how you can control your finance. When we control finances and financial assets, we are not just saving the money, but we are generating more money and saving even more further. By controlling our expenditure, we will probably not end up borrowing the money either, which can lead to a happier life. Now you know that ‘CONTROL’ is the word for handling the finances, but how? PolyBlogger.com recommends you read each series of blogs to better understand what ‘CONTROL’ is and how to ‘CONTROL’ Finances. PolyBlogger.com recommends not to use the credit cards if credit cards are leading to below mentioned problems –

Nine reason why you should avoid Credit Card Read More »

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Eight important things to know about Credit cards

we will see what the important thing are to know before and after getting a credit card services from financial institutions/banks. By writing this I am not discouraging anyone to not to have a credit card. But we want to say that use the credit card wisely by reading the following points. In fact, and in short, we want to mention the criterion on which the credit card should be selected or avoided. Some points might seem to be familiar but still read it because they have the hidden information at the end of each point.

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